Issayeva Lyazzat Nygmetovna

Issayeva Lyazzat Nygmetovna, Assistant Professor

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Relations and Tourism
Academic title: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty «History»
Education: Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi. Historian. Teacher of history and social studies (1993); Master’s degree at Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova (2015).
 Subjects taught: History of international relations in modern times, Theory of international relations, Diplomacy and consular service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Globalization and regionalization, Multilateral diplomacy, International organizations, Political science. Research interests: History, international relations, political science.
Publications: Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, Search Magazine, Almaty, 2019, р.56-61; Cooperation of the Caspian states: Kazakh-Turkmen relations // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Caspian region: new requirements, new opportunities”, Aktau, volume 1, April 26, 2019, p. 105-108.; The Alashites’ view of the national liberation uprising // History of the Kazakhs, No. 3 (179), March, 2020, p. 41-43.; Social problems of China. Scientific journal “Internauka”.  Moscow city. 19 (289), May, 2023, part 8, р.10-12.; Geopolitical position of Kazakhstan // Scientific journal “Internauka”. Moscow city. 19 (289), May, 2023, part 8, p.42-43; From the history of the formation of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Scientific journal “Internauka”. Moscow city. 19 (289), May, 2023, part 8, pp. 44-46.Tutorials: Teaching aids: Sociology and political science. Textbook, publishing house of Ksuti named after sh.Yessenov, Aktau, 2019, 163 p.; History of primitive society. Textbook, Ksuti named after sh.Yessenov, Aktau, 2020, 160 P.; Modern history of Asian and African countries (1900-1945). Part І. Textbook, KTIU named after sh. Yessenov, Aktau, 2021, 97 p., History of international relations in modern times. Part І. Aktau, 2023, 128 p.

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