Bekenzhan Zhanilash Beksiykkyzy, Senior lecturer

Bekenzhan Zhanilash Beksiykkyzy

Position: Senior lecturer of the Department “Pedagogy”
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Subjects taught: “Psychology”, “Age Psychology”, “Emotional Intelligence”, “Methods of teaching pedagogy and Psychology”, “Mind fitness trainer”, “Philosophy of coaching”, etc.
Research interests: problems of modern psychology, psychological problems of teaching and
upbringing, the problem of studying emotions, development of psychological and pedagogical methods, cognitive abilities of the brain, development of questions of coaching philosophy.
1) Methodic Enhancement of Professional competence in the Future Specialists, Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment, 2019, 7, 000-000, co-authors: Dauletkulova Aigul1, Kuanbayeva Bayan3, Khanseitova Eleonora4;
2) Balalardy mektep okuyna psikhologiyalyk dayyndau, KKSON RK,
2019, co-author Egenisova A. K.;
3 Psychological analysis of the spiritual and cultural rapprochement of Kazakhstan and Russia in the course of the historical process in the novel “Pleiades – constellation of hope” by the famous Kazakh writer Abish Kekilbayev, Rukhani zhangyru: Bilim. Ғылым. Инновация., 3-шығарылым. Ақтау: Ш.Yesenov atyndagy KMTIU, 2020. – 253 b. AI 37.0 BBK 74.00 R87
UDC 82.091;
4) Professional training of students in the framework of educational programs,” Bilim ainasy “Nur-Sultan, 2022 zhyl, No. 05 (930-journal), 5-7 b.,
5) Important issues of emotional intelligence,” Bilim Aynasy ” Nur-Sultan, 2022 zhyl, No. 06 (936-journal), 44-46 b.; 6) Social responsibility of the individual: the role of a modern university, Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the system of higher education for enlarged groups of specialties and
training areas 44.00.00 Education and pedagogical sciences, co-authors: Knisarina M. M., Zhumaliyeva G. S., Makasheva A.M.;
7) Music pedagogy and psychology,” Ustaz Enbegi “Republikalyk gylym-adistemelik magazines, No. 3, Nauryz-2023;
8) Psychology of men pedagogikanyn damuyna musykyn aseri, Halykaralyk “Bilim baq” gylym – adistemelik pedagogikalyk magazines, No. 5. Mamyr, 2023;
9) Music education in modern education, Music education in modern education.

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