Tadjibayeva Zhibek Aldabergenovna, Senior lecturer

Tadjibayeva Zhibek Aldabergenovna


Position: senior lecturer of the Department “Pedagogy”
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Subjects taught: Pedagogy, Pedagogical Diagnostics, Inclusive education, General Psychology, “Emotional Intelligence”, Meta-analysis of learning and cognitive performance and other disciplines.
Research interests: intercultural, psychological and pedagogical adaptation of university students, inclusive education, research methods in the pedagogical process, assessment in the educational process.
Publications: scientific articles more than 50, textbooks-4, educational and methodical developments-2, electronic textbooks-2. Publishes scientific articles in periodicals on topical issues of education and science, and also has publications in journals with a high impact factor. Participates in International conferences Abroad (Germany, Turkey, Russia).
Scholarship holder of the International Scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak”, Germany, scientific internship.

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