Sharipova Aigerim Batyrsarievna, Teacher

Sharipova Aigerim Batyrsarievna

Position: Teacher of the Department of Pedagogy.
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical SciencesSubjects taught: “Psychology”, “Age psychology”, “Inclusive education”, “Emotional intelligence”
Research interests: professional deformation, burnout syndrome, career guidance, mental health of teachers

  1. Akkenzheeva A.Sh., Syrlybekkyzy S., Dzhanisenova A.M., Sharipova A.B. Development of methodological foundations for determining “new generations” of qualification requirements at Yesenov University. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Zhasyl ekonomikanyn son-katerleri men trendteri: Kazakstandyk zhane sheteldik aspect”. 2024. – p. – 368-371.
  2. Sharipova A.B., Egenisova A.K. Inclusiviti bilim beru zhuyesindegi pedagogerdi emotionaldi zhany maseleri // Abai atyndagi kazupunin Khabarshysy, “Arnaiy pedagogy” seriyasy, No.2 (77), 2024zh.–7-13 bb.
  3. Koshimova B.A., Mendalieva Sh.O., Sharipova A.B. Dzhanisenova A.M. The study of international experience in personnel training and the development of regional standards for advanced staffing // Yessenov Science Journal. – №2 (47), 2024. – Pp. 63-70
  4. A.Sh. Akkenzheeva, A.B. Sharipova, S. Syrlybekkyzy, A.M. Janisenova, “Staff development at Yesenov University is the key to improving the quality of services provided and the competitiveness of the university” Colloquium-journal, No. 14 (207), 2024 / Pedagogical sciences.
  5. A.Sh. Akkenzheeva, A.B. Sharipova, S. Syrlybekkyzy, A.M. Dzhanisenova, “The policy of internal quality assurance of Yesenov University is the key to improving the quality of education” Colloquium-journal, No.14 (207), 2024 /PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES.
  6. Sharipova A.B., Zhylkyshbaev A.A., Aitbayev N.T., Tynymbayev B.A. “Development of computer testing in the modern educational process” Materials of YESSENOV YOUTH FORUM, 2024, P 340-342

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