Karakulova Marzhan Semeteyevna, Senior lecturer

Karakulova Marzhan Semeteyevna


Position: senior lecturer of the Department “Pedagogy”
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Subjects taught: “Logopedia (lek)”, ” Arnayy psikhologiya (lek)”, Zhas yerekshelik psikhologisy (pr) and others
Research interests: assessment in the educational process, inclusive education, tolerance.

  1. Structural and Substantiva Characteristics of The Concept “Social Success” / 7th World Conference on Educational Sciences. 5-7 February 2015 Athens, Greece. Absatova Marfuga, Ussenova Akkenzhe, Kariyev Adlet, Tashaeva Assel, Karakulova Marzhan;

2.features of the use of interactive teaching methods in primary grades. Traditional student scientific conference. Almaty,

2015, December Almaty University. “I Don’t Know,” She Said.;

3.features of collective education of students in primary grades. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology in the world and Kazakhstan educational and scientific space” dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, the International Academy of pedagogical Educational Sciences, academician of the International pedagogical academy, Professor Kozhakhmetova Klara Zhantoreovna. Almaty, January 8-9, 2016. Karakulova M. S.

4.methods and methods of teaching the Kazakh language in primary grades using new technological methods. Republican scientific and methodological conference” effective ways of teaching scientific and natural (humanitarian) disciplines in the context of updating the content of Secondary Education”. Professional development” orleu”

5.pedagogically effective methods and methods of applying interactive teaching methods in primary grades. Joint “international scientific and Practical Conference”of Kazakhstan and Belarus. Belarusian State University (BSU), (Minsk, Belarus) L. N. Gumileva (Astana, Kazakhstan). March 1-2, 2018. “I’m Sorry,” She Said.

6.”theoretical foundations of the development of tolerance of Primary School students to children with special educational needs”. Journal of the first international forum” modern trends in pedagogical education”. Almaty 20-21 June 2019. Pp. 170-175. Karakulova M. S., Makina L. H.

7.”formation of a tolerant attitude of Primary School teachers to children with special educational needs”. International scientific and practical conference” psychological and pedagogical aspects of inclusive education”. Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Abai.Kaznpu / K. ZhubanovAktobe Regional State University. Aktobe 20-2

9.some problems of the development of tolerant communication in Primary School students. Name Abay.Bulletin of kaznpu, series “Pedagogical Sciences” №2 (66), 2020 Almaty pp. 353-362 2020.  Karakulova Marzhan Semeteevna;

10.methodological foundations for the development of tolerant relations of students in Primary School”. Name Abay.Bulletin of kaznpu, series “Pedagogical Sciences” №4 (68), MRNTI 14.01. Almaty 2020 pp. 203-212.  Karakulova Marzhan Semeteevna;

11.fundamentals of the development of tolerant attitude of Primary School students to peers in need of special education in the system of Inclusive Education. Modern problems of Science and education – collection of articles of the III International Student Research Conference 2023. April 23, 2023, Almaty, pp. 105-108. Karakulova Marzhan Semeteevna.

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