“Psychological and pedagogical adaptation of repatriate students in the holistic pedagogical process of the university.”
Entering the world educational space, developing the process of integration and internationalization, with increasing competitiveness of universities, many university students are studying at the universities of Kazakhstan – returnees (ethnic Kazakhs) and foreign students. Education of foreign students is a certain indicator of the status of an educational institution, as well as the economic benefit of both an educational institution and the economy as a whole.
Many students from the Caspian littoral states – Russia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, as well as from China, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and Armenia are currently studying at the Yessenov University. And one of the key problems in the learning process is the adaptation of returning students (ethnic Kazakhs) who have moved to their historical homeland from the CIS and foreign countries, as well as foreign students to the educational process of the university, to a new sociocultural environment, since success depends on this process their learning activities.

The problem of the process of adaptation of repatriate students at the university is of scientific and practical interest because of its social significance and relevance in the Mangystau region, which determines the relevance and feasibility of choosing the topic of the dissertation research “Psychological and pedagogical adaptation of repatriate students in the holistic pedagogical process of the university.”
The analysis showed that in the presence of a regulatory framework governing the legal and economic aspects of migration processes, issues of socio-psychological, adaptation, psychological and pedagogical foundations of adaptation were not separately studied.
The purpose of the study: scientific and theoretical justification and practical development of the methodology of psychological and pedagogical adaptation of returning students in the holistic pedagogical process of the university.
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., professor Arenova A.Kh.