Position: Teacher of the department «Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan»
Academic degree:
- L. N. Gumilev ENU, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Social Sciences in the specialty” 5b050100 – sociology”
- L. N. Gumilev ENU, Faculty of Social Sciences, Master of Social Sciences in the specialty” 6m050100 – sociology”
- L. N. Gumilev Doctoral student in Sociology of ENU
Teaching disciplines: Sociology
Scientific interests: sociological research, information analysis, data collection, monitoring and processing
Scientific works:
- A sociological study to determine the brand index «Yessenov University».
- Conducting a study «Clean session».
- Conducting a sociological study «Dynamics of the ethno-social state of the Mangystau region».
- Conducting a sociological study «Dynamics of public attitudes of the population of Aktau».
1. “Media communication models influencing society” Yessenov Science Journal of June 1, 2022
№1 (42)-2022 https://ysj.yu.edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/itog-%E2%84%961422022.pdf
2. Factors of University brand formation (based on the results of a focus group study conducted at Yesenov University, Aktau) Yessenov Science Journal of June 1, 2022
№1 (42)-2022 https://ysj.yu.edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/itog-%E2%84%961422022.pdf
3. “Messages in digital media: features of text compilation and analysis” Yessenov Science Journal of December 1, 2023
№2 (43)-2022 https://ysj.yu.edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2-43-2022.pdf
4. “Interethnic integration in the perception of the population of the Mangystau region (based on the materials of sociological research)” Yessenov Science Journal of June 1, 2023
№1 (44)-2023 https://ysj.yu.edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1-44-2023.pdf
5. Development of a model of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of regional policy in the Mangystau region Yessenov Science Journal of December 1, 2023
6. Exploring sociolinguistic attitudes among multilingual youth in Kazakhstan Khamit A, Dauletkeldyyeva A, Kuntugankyzy A, Abidin A. Sci Herald Uzhhorod Univ Ser Phys. 2024;(55):2929-2938
7. The future professions of the Mangystau region in the discourse of public opinion Bulletin of the L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, sociology series