Kabekenova Akzer Uapkyzy, Vice-dean for educational work and public relations

Kabekenova Akzer Uapkyzy


Position: vice-dean for educational work and public relations of the Faculty of Education.
Academic title: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Teaching Subject: English
Scientific interests: Motivation and involvement of students in teaching a foreign language.

  1. “Methodology for assessing the quality of education of primary school students in secondary schools”
  2. Evaluation of the education quality of primary school students.
  3. Assessment of the education quality of primary school students in the national education system.
  4. İlköğretim öğrencilerinin eğitim kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
  5. Management and diagnostics of the quality of primary education in Kazakhstan.

Scientific internships: Astana, Turkey

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