Bekenzhanova Ainash Altynmuratkyzy, Assistant professor

Bekenzhanova Ainash Altynmuratkyzy

Position: assistant professor of the Department of History
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, majoring in History
Disciplines taught: “History of Kazakhstan”, “Ethnology”, “Theoretical source studies”
Scientific interests: Ethnocultural development of Kazakhs abroad, Ethnology, history of Mangistau.
Awards: 1. Badge of the 45th anniversary of Yesenov University, 2021 2. badge of contribution to the development of YU 2022
1.Iran Kazakhstan Search. International scientific journal. Humanities Series. No. 2, 2019
2. Tauelsizdik ayasyndagy kazakh diaspora kalyptasy men damiuy. Ruhani Zhangyru: Knowledge.Science.Innovation. Digest of articles. 3rd edition. May, 2020
3. Dasturli agash buyimdaryndagy oyu-ornectin of the thigh. Bulletin of KazNPU named after. Abay, series “Historical and socio-political sciences”, No. 1 (68), 2021
4.Iran kazakhtarynyn koshі-kon үrdіsterі. “Didactics”. Republican scientific and pedagogical methodological journal. 12 (04), 2022.
5.Iranians are Kazakh diaspora ethnic groups. “Didactics”. Republican scientific and pedagogical methodological journal. 02 (05), 2022
6. Theoretical source study. Tutorial. May, 2022
7. Ethnology. Tutorial. May, 2022,
8. “Alash ziyalylarynyn 1916. ult azattyk koteriliske ustanymdyk kozkarastary” //”Tauelsizdik belesteri: gasyrlar koynauynan buginge deyin”. Collection of student international scientific and practical conference, 2022
9. “Uly Zhibek Zholynyn bir tarmagy – Mangystau” // “Tauelsizdik belesteri: gasyrlar koynauynan buginge deyin.” Collection of student international scientific and practical conference, 2022
10. “Sheteldegi kazak diaspora synyn kalyptas erekshelikteri.” Interscience, No. 19 (289), May, 2023.
11. “Ethnic characteristics of the Kazakhs of Iran.” “Didactics”. Republican scientific and pedagogical methodological journal. 04(01)2023
12. “Ustaz Onegesi” “Altyn bilim kilty”, International scientific and pedagogical methodological journal. 01 (02) 2023

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