Tabyldiyeva Oryngul Duysenbaevna, Acting Professor

Tabyldiyeva Oryngul Duysenbaevna

Position: Acting Professor
Scientific title: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Teaching disciplines: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science
Scientific intereststhe history of Mangystau, Kazakh philosophy
Scientific works:
– Analysis of the migration characteristics of the inhabitants of the region. Bulletin of the KSPU named after Abai. No. 2(61), 2019, pp. 319-324.

– The impact of the migration process on the demographic situation of the Mangystau region. //YESENOVSKY SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL No. 1 (39)-2021 Special Issue pp. 23-27.

– Serikbol Kondybai: Kazakh mythology. // Yesenovsky Scientific Journal. No. 2, 2021.

  • Interactive Teaching Methods as Pedagogical Innovation.  //Bioscience biotechnology research communications. Special Issue Vol 14 No 05 (2021) Pp-171-175. 2021.

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